
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Steve Bechtel | Integrated Strength Training
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Monday Dec 19, 2016
Honorary Co-Host Steve Bechtel is back, this time talking about his concept of Integrated Strength Training. What is that, you ask? Well, lucky for you, we discuss it at length. So listen. Then apply. Then get stronger. It's that simple, right?
It's almost our birthday, which means it's almost Christmas, which means we should exchange gifts! You give us a rating and review on iTunes, and I'll give you a bonus bonus episode. Deal? Ok, Deal!
As always, you can find Steve at www.climbstrong.com
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Sunday Dec 11, 2016
BOARD MEETINGS | Top 3 Ways to Balance Climbing with Life
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Sunday Dec 11, 2016
Another week, another episode. You guys have 2 more left before we go back to our 1 or 2 per month regularly scheduled program, and I get to relax a little! Or maybe we'll make it an even 24 episodes for 2016. I might... MIGHT... have a special bonus bonus episode for Christmas. If you're good kids. We'll see. In this episode, Nate and I sit down to talk about the top 3 ways to balance your climbing with your real life. Job, family, friends, hobbies, etc. Trying to balance that with climbing, training for climbing, talking about climbing, thinking about climbing, and listening to podcasts about climbing is TOUGH WORK. We've got some answers.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Stevie Haston | Common Sense Training
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
Tuesday Dec 06, 2016
LEGEND! Not much more needs to be said about this weeks guest, Stevie Haston, but I'll say a few more things anyway. How does "flashed 14a trad" grab you? Or "14d in his mid fifties"? I figured that would be enough to get your attention. Simply put, Stevie Haston is a machine. A simple, hard working, sensible machine.
I've admired the Common Sense approach that Stevie brings to his training for some time, and am priveleged to have been able to sit down with him at The Salt Palace in the middle of a busy Outdoor Retailer. He's a no nonsense guy who is clear headed and appreciative about the life that he leads. A simple one. Imagine that.
You can learn more about Stevie's approach to training directly from him at www.steviehaston.blogspot.com. Seriously, give it a read... it's one of the most entertaining blogs around.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Monday Nov 28, 2016
BOARD MEETINGS | Top 3 Things We’ve Changed Our Minds About
Monday Nov 28, 2016
Monday Nov 28, 2016
So many Bonus Episodes!!! In this one, Nate and I sit down to discuss the Top 3 Things We've Changed Our Minds About. Fact is, if you still believe all of the same things you believed last year, then you're probably fucking up. Growth comes at the expense of shedding old ideas, and embracing new ones. Not all old ideas are bad, and not all new ideas are good. You've got to weed them out, and of course, sometimes you're just plain wrong.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Carrie Cooper | V11 to 5.11
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
Wednesday Nov 23, 2016
In this episode I have a really great conversation with V11 boulderer, mom, and Physical Therapist Carrie Cooper. She's set big goals for her sport climbing... but 5.11 is still difficult for her. Not physically, but it's hard nonetheless. We walk through her process, how she deals with the ego, and talk about what she's learning. Carrie takes a really smart approach to her fears... one that we can all learn from.
As a special addition to this episode, I also talk with Carrie's coach, Dan Mirsky, about the his perspective on Carrie's situation and progress.
You can reach Carrie at www.forefrontslc.com .
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Arno Ilgner | Process vs. Goal Based Motivation
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
Wednesday Nov 16, 2016
In Episode 17 I sit down with mental training guru Arno Ilgner of The Warriors Way. Most of us recognize The Warriors Way as a way to get over the fear of falling, but it's so much more. Athletes of all levels can benefit hugely from what Arno and I discuss during this podversation... the differences between being motivated by goals and being motivated by process. We go into depth with his process, and talk a little about work he's done recently with pro climber Heather Weidner during her campaign to send Simply Read (13d). I have a feeling you're going to walk away from this one wanting more, and I plan on delivering just that.
You can find Arno at www.warriorsway.com
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Dru Mack | Always ”Siked”
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
Thursday Nov 10, 2016
For our first bonus episode, we sit down for a much needed podversation to remind us that climbing and training should be fun. Stoke is high with Dru Mack, and even though he comes about it naturally, we dig into how he brings that good energy, how he chooses partners that aren't energy suckers, and what being a good partner means.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
BOARD MEETINGS | Top 3 Ways We’ve Invested in Ourselves
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
Wednesday Nov 02, 2016
In this episode of the Board Meetings, Nate and I have a late night discussion about the top 3 ways we've invested in ourselves. That could be monetarily, emotionally, with time.... however, as long as it's an investment into bettering ourselves. A few surprising answers here!
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Charlie Manganiello | Being a Multisport Athlete
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
Tuesday Oct 25, 2016
In this episode I sit down with strength coach, climber, and multisport athlete Charlie Manganiello, from ClimbStrong, to find out how we can all perform in multiple sports. Charlie takes a common sense, no bullshit approach to his training and performance, and even though I've chosen to dedicate my energy completely to climbing, I appreciate that candor.
We can't all climb all the time, and some of us choose not to, even if we could, so we can all learn a little about planning and expectations from this conversation with Charlie. Even if you're only switching from sport climbing to bouldering, like I do, there is a different approach required, and Charlie's philosophies are applicable.
If you haven't yet, we would love a review and rating in iTunes. If we get a handful more, we've got 4 bonus episodes coming in the next 2 months... that means a new episode a week for the next bit!
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
BOARD MEETINGS | Top 3 Mistakes We See Being Made
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
Tuesday Oct 11, 2016
As we've taken our Boulder Better workshops to gyms across the country, we've been able to watch and work with climbers of all shapes, sizes, abilities, and attitudes. We've seen lots of cool, positive things happen, but we've also seen lots of mistakes being made. In this episode, Nate and I sit down after drinking a pot of coffee and a bottle of wine, and discuss each other's list of Top 3 Mistakes We See Being Made. And yes, we now know that the Platypus is not the only venomous mammal.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.