
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Will Anglin & Rowland Chen | P.O.E.
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
Thursday Sep 29, 2016
In episode 12 we sit down for a ridiculously fun conversation with coaches and elite boulderers Will Anglin and Rowland Chen. We dig into their concept P.O.E., which is something I've worked with since forever, but never had a cool name for. Taking this conversation to heart could potentially change your climbing, and may very well be the key to taking it to the next level.
You can find Will at www.willanglin.squarespace.com
You can find Tension Climbing at www.tensionclimbing.com
Ladies, Rowland is single and awaiting your messages on his FB profile.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Thursday Sep 15, 2016
BOARD MEETINGS | Top 3 Things We’ve Done to Positively Affect Our Climbing
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
Thursday Sep 15, 2016
It's finally here. For quite some time I've toyed with the idea of "in between" episodes. I can get the great podversations that you've come to expect out about once per month. More than that and I lose my mind. So while on our recent workshop tour, Nate and I sat down and figured out a rough format for a new concept. The Board Meetings were born.
We've recorded several episodes already, and the one that's about to invade your earhole is our very first. It's a little rough around the edges, and a little clumsy at times, but as we recorded more episodes, they got better and better. You just wait.
Here's the basic format....
We pick a topic, and we each make a top 3 list for that topic. Neither of us know what the other will say, and we just go in. The intro theme music plays, we start talking, and then it just rolls. Simple. Fun.
In this episode we talk about the top 3 changes we've made to our own climbing that have resulted in progress. If you haven't made these changes to your climbing yet, maybe it's the plateau buster you've been waiting for.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Eric Hörst | Energy Systems Training
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
Wednesday Aug 31, 2016
You already know the name. You've read his books. He's basically the first name in training for climbing in America. Eric Hörst. My initial foray into training led me directly to his early books, and I've learned more about the science of training and how to apply it to climbing from Eric than from anyone else.
This podversation is about a new chapter in the updated, 3rd Edition of Eric's "Training For Climbing". If you have the 2nd Edition, you only have half the story. This thing is packed full of new, good info, and in my opinion, is Eric's best book.
I don't want to give away too much here, because, well, I want you to listen to the Podcast! So go do it!
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Monday Aug 01, 2016
Jon Cardwell | Long Distance Projecting
Monday Aug 01, 2016
Monday Aug 01, 2016
In this episode I sit down with professional climber, routesetter, and youth coach, Jon Cardwell, and talk about the challenges inherent to long distance projecting. Jon recently completed his long term project, Biographie (5.15a), in Ceuse, over 5,000 miles from his home. And you thought 150 miles was too far...
We talk about the mental and emotional toll, as well as how he structured his physical training with such a big, overseas objective in mind. We go deep into the emotions of dealing with failure, and how it affects your mindset when you can't try your project every day.
Check out www.powercompanyclimbing.com for all of your training needs!
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Steve Bechtel & Charlie Manganiello | Deadlifting
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
Sunday Jul 17, 2016
In this episode we talk with honorary co-host Steve Bechtel and his co-author Charlie Manganiello about their new resource "The Climb Strong Deadlifting Manual". They tell us why deadlifting is the number one bang for your buck exercise for strength training for climbers, and give some background on the how, why, and when. You can find out more about Steve and Charlie at climbstrong.com, or by visiting them at Steve's gym in Lander, Wyoming, Elemental Climbing and Fitness.
You can purchase the book HERE.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Monday Jun 06, 2016
Carlo Traversi | Folding it Over
Monday Jun 06, 2016
Monday Jun 06, 2016
In this episode I have a short podversation with Carlo Traversi. You know him as a boulderer, or maybe, if you follow him closely, you know he's been National Sport Climbing Champion. But that's not all. He started in Yosemite as a traddie, and plans on taking it back to there. He calls it "Folding the sport over on itself". This concept resonates with me, as it's the path that I'm choosing as well.
Carlo also has a thing or two to say about grades and where bouldering is headed, specialization, and 5.10 offwidths. Uh huh, I said offwidths.
The Power Company is now my OFFICIAL job, and I'm moving across the country, so I've been lax in getting this episode out, but it's here, and I have lots of conversations planned with trainers and athletes in the coming months. Yes, including fan favorite Steve Bechtel. We're about to ramp this thing up, including traveling workshops across the country this summer, so be on the lookout for dates!
OH... and Nate has a few open spots to train with him through our mobile training app, so if you want to get your summer training started so that you can send some shit in the fall, NOW is the time.
You'll also be seeing new Ebooks hitting the site soon. The double bell follow up to the popular Kettlebells for Climbers (Single Bell) plan will be hitting the site. We're working hard on a Movement Ebook, as well as a Core Training guide, so keep your eyes peeled!
And one of these days, if I ever get around to it, I'll be posting tees, tanks, and hoodies up for sale. Someday!
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Steve Bechtel | To Run or Not to Run
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
Tuesday Apr 26, 2016
In this, Episode 6, we sit down with listener favorite Steve Bechtel at his gym in Lander, Wyoming, and talk about the question everyone is asking... "will running help my climbing?"
We delve into running as both a weight loss tool and as aerobic training for climbing, whether or not you should be running, and if Crossfit is even worth it.
You can find Steve at www.climbstrong.com.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Alli Rainey | Overhauling Your Style
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
Tuesday Apr 05, 2016
In this episode I sit down with Alli Rainey, a Tensleep, Wyoming based climbing coach and trainer, writer, and yoga instructor. Alli climbed up to 5.14 in her signature, vertical, technical style, and then decided to learn how to climb steeper, more gymnastic routes... and had to change her entire approach to training and climbing, not to mention her body type, to do so. You can find Alli at www.allirainey.com.
She works constantly in the Tensleep, Wyoming area, developing and advocating for climbing. You can find out how to help at www.bighornclimbers.org.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Monday Mar 21, 2016
Paul Corsaro | Kettlebells for Climbers
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
In this episode I sit down for a podversation with strength coach Paul Corsaro about our new Ebook training plan, Kettlebells for Climbers. We discuss why we like kettlebells as a strength training tool for climbers, as well as their limitations.
You can find the training plan HERE.
You can find Paul's blog HERE.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Friday Feb 19, 2016
Rannveig Aamodt | Coming Back Stronger
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Friday Feb 19, 2016
Very excited to bring this talk to you! In this episode I sit down with my good friend Rannveig Aamodt, a Norwegian climber and model, and talk about her impressive road to recovery after a terrible accident. In 2012 she took a 50 foot groundfall in Turkey, with only herself to blame. We go deep into how that affected her mentality and her psyche to return to climbing, or physical activity in general. Rannveig does an amazing job of putting into words the process and methods that she used to get back on lead, and now she's back to climbing even harder than she did before the accident. So many people will find not only inspiration, but new methods to use in their struggles with fear, be it fear of falling, of failure, of the unknown, or whatever.
Find Rannveig online:
Her Site.
The story we reference in the talk
Gallery of rehab photos from Nathan Welton
And this is the single image that I find so compelling, that says so much about Rannveig and her spirit.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.