
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Ravioli Biceps | Moonboard Benchmarking
Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
I'm fairly sure I've gotten more DMs asking when this episode is coming than any other. And it's a good one.
Today's guest is Moonboard legend Ravioli Biceps - the first (and currently only?) person to send all of the Benchmarks on the 2016 Moonboard set. We discuss his history with the Moonboard as well as his struggle with the transition to identifying as a "Moonboarder". We also find out about the genesis of the name Ravioli Biceps.
To see the shirts mentioned in the episode go HERE.
To buy the shirts go HERE.
Find Ravioli Biceps on Instagram HERE.
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Lee Cujes | Is It Really A Plateau?
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Wednesday Sep 04, 2019
Sometimes you're improving, but the grades don't reflect that. Does that mean you're on a forever plateau?
In this episode I sit down in the Red River Gorge with Aussie legend Lee Cujes - really just to learn more about him. We didn't have a specific direction we wanted to go when we sat down. I just knew I should turn the mic on and ask him questions.
Besides being always stoked for climbing and training, Lee also has an incredible outlook on progression and doing it his way. An outlook that a lot of us could take a piece away from to improve our own.
To learn more about Lee and his history, be on the lookout for an Enormocast episode coming soon and listen to this excellent episode from Aussie podcast Baffle Days.
You can find Lee on Instagram at www.instagram.com/leecujes
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
Tuesday Aug 27, 2019
In this Board Meeting, Nate is temporarily replaced by our Strength and Conditioning Coach, Paul Corsaro. Paul is a kettlebell expert (among other things), and has converted me. We discuss our top 5 reasons for continuing to use kettlebells in our own training as well as in programming for our athletes.
You can find our Kettlebells for Climbers plan at https://gumroad.com/l/LNxaD
You can find Paul at www.cruxconditioning.com
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Lee Cossey | Damage Control in Chaos
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
Wednesday Aug 07, 2019
If Australian Lee Cossey lived in North America, he’d be a name mentioned alongside Tommy Caldwell and Sonnie Trotter as one of the best all around climbers on the planet. That’s because he IS one of the best all around climbers on the planet. For some reason, despite the internet making information easy to share, we in the US are largely blind to what else - or who else - is out there.
Lee has not only established and climbed 5.14+ and hard double digits boulders, he’s also freed several El Cap routes - done in a single push with no fixed ropes - and climbed huge Patagonian walls (Riders on the Storm). He’s also a physio and climbing coach. And husband. And dad. Lee’s wife, Andrea Hah, who makes a cameo in this episode, is an exercise physiologist and bonafide badass herself - maybe Australia’s best female all around climber. She and Lee own and operate Move Clinic, a one stop shop for keeping and making athletes strong and healthy, as well as Camp Street Climbing, an adjoining climbing gym, both located in Katoomba.
I sat down with Lee at his home in the Blue Mountains to discuss some of his philosophies as both a coach and as one of Australia’s strongest (and best) climbers. He’s a legend around there - deservedly so - and like so many legends in this sport, you’d never know unless someone else pointed it out for him.
I’m here to point it out.
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Dru Mack | Endurance Climbing
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Wednesday Jul 31, 2019
Honorary co-host Dru Mack is back in the building, and this time we're talking about what might be Dru's bread and butter - endurance climbing. We both learned to climb in the Red River Gorge, an area famous for it's steep, pumpy climbing, so we both think we're experts on the subject, and we both believe that many of today's coaches are getting it wrong.
We're also, concurrently with this episode, dropping a training program that Dru and I have spent the last week building specifically for people who are going to be heading to the Red River Gorge - though it can be useful for trips to anywhere with the same pumpy style. Red River Pump Prep is an 8 week online group training program, complete with video descriptions for each workout as well as a group chat with both Dru and I for the duration of the plan. There are only 25 spots available! You can find out more at www.powercompanyclimbing.com/pumpprep
You can find Dru at www.drumackclimbs.com and on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/drumack5
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Saturday Jul 27, 2019
BOARD MEETINGS | Top 5 Barriers to Outdoor Climbing Improvement
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
Saturday Jul 27, 2019
In this episode Nate and I sit down to discuss an important topic - the top 5 reasons why people who train and train and train still can't improve their climbing outdoors. It can be a struggle - there isn't a 1:1 return on training investment, particularly if you don't have a few key things in place.
Do you fall into one of these categories? If so, level up!
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Friday Jul 19, 2019
Will Hammersla | Successful Climbing Coaching
Friday Jul 19, 2019
Friday Jul 19, 2019
As the National Coach for Sport Climbing Australia, Will Hammersla has a tough job. The Olympics are now in play, and in a country as spread out as Australia, where it can be 10 hours between major cities, cultivating a "team" is damn near impossible. But he's working at it on a bedrock of solid principles and philosophies, and the work seems to be paying off.
Support the Australian National Team at https://www.gofundme.com/f/2019-international-coaching-season
Find Will and Tri Climbing at https://tri-climbing.com.au/
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Monday Jun 24, 2019
Anna Davey | Working For It
Monday Jun 24, 2019
Monday Jun 24, 2019
The first of the Oz Tapes! In this episode I sit down with Anna Davey, a professional climber from Perth, Western Australia. Anna has a healthy following on social media, and as a result, gets her fair share of haters. But I know that's only a tiny part of the story - one that starts with a big dream and a lot of hard work. Anna puts in that work and is living her dream.
You can find Anna on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/anna.davey
You can listen to a great podcast episode with her at Baffle Days Podcast.
You can follow Anna on Youtube HERE.
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
BOARD MEETINGS | Should You Train Full Crimp and Pockets?
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Nate and I aren't always in the same place, but we still want to talk about things. So this is going to be a new, ongoing format - short board meetings done remotely. We plan to discuss current events, hot topics, training ideas - whatever. Could be damn near anything.
In this episode we discuss an often argued about aspect of training - Should you or shouldn't you train the full crimp and pocket grips?
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Created by the coaches of Power Company Climbing, "EMPOWERED: A Bouldering Intensive" is a 3 day bouldering seminar aimed to provide the self-coached climber with the tools and tactics needed to construct effective training plans, analyze their own movement, track measurable progress, and engage a productive mental approach when bouldering.
Where: Crux Conditioning, Chattanooga, TNWhen: December 13-15, 2019Fri: 10am - 6pmSat: 8am - 6pmSun: 8am - 2pm
You can register at www.powercompanyclimbing.com/empowered
It's gonna fill up fast - get in now!
We don't tweet. We scream like eagles.
The Power Company Podcast is brought to you by Power Company Climbing and is a proud member of the Plug Tone Audio Collective.
You can help us keep episodes sponsor-free by becoming a Patron for as little as $3 a month.
Find full episode transcripts and more at our website.